Why you shouldn’t wait to start your career change and how to start

(even if you don’t know what your target role is)

Monday, January 20th at Noon Pacific / 3 pm Eastern.

This free class starts in









Most people will get stuck delay their career change because

🫣They don’t feel ready

🙄They don’t know what their ideal role is

🤔They aren’t sure where to start


Sound familiar?


There are a lot of disadvantages to waiting. It will probably take longer than you think to land your ideal role (After all, we are just talking about taking any job) mostly because it takes strategy and planning. 


The good news is, there are steps you can take that will help you get ready and maybe more important FEEL ready. 


Want to learn what they are? We will go over how to get ready AND how to take steps to figure out what you ideal roles are. 


Out of my 144 clients, over 75% of them didn’t know what their target role was when they started working with me. That was why they were looking for help!


All of them would tell you - the key is to start before you feel ready, but you don’t have to do it alone!


If you are able to start your job search even 3 months earlier and get a role 3 months earlier, on a 70k salary, that would earn you an additional $17,500! Or if you already have a role, that is 3 months sooner than you spend doing something you love.

Join me for this first class so you can get unstuck and start taking the steps toward landing your ideal role.